Debiteurenbeheer tijdens de coronacrisis
De Nederlandse economie is geraakt door de coronacrisis en is deels stil komen te liggen. Het is daarom juist nog belangrijker om uw debiteurenbeheer goed op orde te hebben. Houd uw betalingstermijnen strak aan, blijf ongeacht de situatie in nauw contact met uw debiteuren en kijk evt. naar betalingsregelingen om de debiteur tegemoet te komen.
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Functionality guarantee!
Are you tired of running into credit management software that lacks essential features?
From now on, good news will no longer suffer from this because MaxCredible has a functionalities guarantee!
Does management have wishes with regard to the functionalities in the product that have not yet been integrated into the application? Then MaxCredible builds these functionalities into the product free of charge.
For perspective, 99% of the MaxCredible users' wishes over the past 15 years have been added to the product for free.